Saturday, September 15, 2012

guess who's working

I feel like it's been a while since I last posted, and honestly I don't even remember what I said and where I left off, but I do know that I have new news since then: I am officially employed! As of now, I'm driving about an hour to work, working as a KINDERGARTEN teacher (ahhh!), then driving about an hour home. It's kind of annoying, but at least for now it's what I have to do and it might even be a little cheaper this way as opposed to buying/renting a place closer to work. Buuuut one day I really would like to because then I wouldn't have to get up so early or spend soooo much time in my car. So glad I have my sirius :) 

Point being - I have a job, teaching, and I'm getting paid to do what I went to school for so it's all good.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

days go by

Well, this past weekend I watched all 3 seasons of ABCfam's make it or break it - a show about teens who have trained their whole life to make it to the olympics for gymnastics and this is what I've discovered:

1. I miss the olympics.
2. I wish I would have done gymnastics.
3. I wish I would have had a goal like that my whole life.
4. I should have trained harder and attempted to make the US soccer team.
5. It would have been nice having a few close friends all my life shooting for the same goal. 
6. I am sad these 15-18yr old girls go to the olympics and all I've done in life is go to school.

And that's all you get since 6 is my favorite number. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday Whims

Today, I pretty much did nothing. I think I'm getting a little better at this game Song Pop that's the new facebook/iphone craze. I attempted to tan today because it was semi sunny and hot and probably one of the last chances I'll get to before fall - which btw I'm so excited for! I can't wait for the cooler weather, cool breezes on somewhat warm days, long sleeve shirts to be acceptable to wear with shorts, scarves, hoodies... I'm getting excited now just thinking about all of this! I love the fall!!! 

Also, I realized last night I'm doing my brain no good sitting around all day on the computer, phone, and watching tv. I think I would like to read more so if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

I have also decided I actually miss college; not just the friends, but like going to class, ResLife events (yes, they were lame, but I had fun with friends there), and especially being involved with music.. I haven't sung since.. I honestly don't even know when. And I don't mean I haven't sung along to the radio, but I haven't sung seriously like with parts - I was soprano, usually first sop. but sometimes second, and I miss hearing the parts below me, I miss the harmonies, I miss being surrounded with talent (like in the music building - granted I didn't like many of the people in the music dept., but everyone had some type of musical gift or calling), and I miss concerts/recitals. I plan on rectifying some of these issues soon - not sure how, but I will.

One last note: FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE!!!!! GO PATS!!!! :) 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

this week is moving way slow

So it's only Tuesday, but feels like Thursday or something. I think this is partially due to the fact that I have absolutely nothing to do or look forward to and I'm not really keeping track of days or dates because I have no need to... blah :/

Today I was slightly productive though! I think my mom was kind of glad - she didn't have to cook at all today! I made lunch for us and it was ready when she got home from work. Then I tried a new recipe at dinner for me, my mom, and my nephew. It kind of worked... it wasn't bad but I could have used way more cheese than I did use. Maybe even more garlic than I used and I thought I used plenty.. Anyway, I found the recipe on pinterest - follow me on there!

Here's what we had for dinner:

Chicken Kiev

I have really wanted to make some desserts lately. I kind of really want to make caramel chocolate crackers - they're so addictive. I love them. I don't really need desserts in my life right now though. I'm trying to be healthy - not dieting, just being healthy. Oh, but I did find a skinny funfetti cupcake recipe that I want to try.. however I'll probably eat them all which would defeat the purpose of them being "skinny." Pinterest is slightly addictive and not good for my healthy eating! 

On a completely side note: Pretty Little Liars season finale the betrAyal is on tonight! Ahh!

Monday, August 27, 2012

SuMMeR is over :(

This summer was a pretty good one. Since I graduated in December, I had been home for a while.. I worked at BC Comm Center until camp began... and I was a TA for 1st and 2nd grade April-June.. during the summer I did the counselor thing again mid June-August. It was fun at times, but I kind of got worn out quickly for some reason.

Thankfully, though, throughout the summer I had a few vacations - end of June I went to NY. Stayed at my great aunt's bungalow at Rockaway Beach, saw my only remaining great aunt at her convent (yes, she's a retired nun) and took her out for lunch, saw my entire family on my mom's side at my uncle's bday/anniversary party, saw most of them again in CT at my cousin's high school graduation party, but the real fun was Monday when I was coming home. Of course there were storms in both NYC and Raleigh so my flight from NY to Baltimore was delayed multiple times, got into BWI so late I missed the last flight out to RDU, but luckily my aunt lives like 15mins down the road so I called her to come get me and stayed w/her for the night. They brought me back to BWI Tuesday morning where I caught the first flight home, showered, and went to work. All in all it was a great trip though. 

I went on a day trip to the beach with my sister, cousin, and nephew before we brought him back up north. We had a pretty good 4th of July with the fam and friends at the neighborhood lake - met some new neighborhood friends that we kind of competed with to see who had the better fireworks! Haha that was fun. That weekend I went back up to NY w/sister, cousin, and nephew. We stopped in MD with my aunt/cousins, then all went up the next day to NY to my other aunts house. Spent time with them, ate lunch at the deli, and I hung out w/my cousin closest to my age at night... that Saturday we went to a METS game w/most of the fam where there was a brick outside dedicated to my grandpa and they said happy 80th bday to him on the big screen! It was a lot of fun. I'm so glad I went :) I have loved spending time with my family lately. I wish I could see them more frequently. My 13yr old cousin emails and texts me sometimes though so I'm pretty updated on her life. I love it. 

The next weekend I went out of town (still in NC) to visit a friend and it was a pretty chill, relaxing weekend watching movies.I also had another couple of days off later in July when I was supposed to go to FL, but nobody could watch my dog so I didn't go :( I still didn't work though; I just relaxed. Watched more movies, hung out w/a friend.. 

I've been really grateful this summer for one friend in particular actually. I've kinda been feeling distant from people and life in general, but even when I pushed this person, they tried harder to get in.. That, my readers, is a really good friend.

Hopefully I will remember to blog again within the next few weeks as I continue my job hunt. It's so frustrating not getting any calls after submitting a bunch of applications. I'm ready to give up and just look for something completely random. I don't even know what else I'd want - maybe I should finally go chase tornadoes. That would be so much fun. I'll try to keep you guys updated on whatever happens from here!

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I have not blogged in forever! I graduated in December. Since then, I have been so busy. I bought a car and love it! I've worked front desk at a community center, track out, TA for 1st and 2nd grades, and now summer camp.  I feel like a lot has happened recently though. My sister turned 30 so big parties for her. My nephew graduated Kindergarten so party for him. My brother had softball special olympics and won silver! Also party that weekend. Yesterday went to a national track meet to support my cousin who came down from CT to compete. This coming weekend I'm going to NY for two parties. I'll be back up two weeks later for a Mets game for my grandpa's bday.

Life Is Good :)