Tuesday, August 28, 2012

this week is moving way slow

So it's only Tuesday, but feels like Thursday or something. I think this is partially due to the fact that I have absolutely nothing to do or look forward to and I'm not really keeping track of days or dates because I have no need to... blah :/

Today I was slightly productive though! I think my mom was kind of glad - she didn't have to cook at all today! I made lunch for us and it was ready when she got home from work. Then I tried a new recipe at dinner for me, my mom, and my nephew. It kind of worked... it wasn't bad but I could have used way more cheese than I did use. Maybe even more garlic than I used and I thought I used plenty.. Anyway, I found the recipe on pinterest - follow me on there! http://pinterest.com/konfuzzled07/

Here's what we had for dinner:

Chicken Kiev

I have really wanted to make some desserts lately. I kind of really want to make caramel chocolate crackers - they're so addictive. I love them. I don't really need desserts in my life right now though. I'm trying to be healthy - not dieting, just being healthy. Oh, but I did find a skinny funfetti cupcake recipe that I want to try.. however I'll probably eat them all which would defeat the purpose of them being "skinny." Pinterest is slightly addictive and not good for my healthy eating! 

On a completely side note: Pretty Little Liars season finale the betrAyal is on tonight! Ahh!

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