Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday Whims

Today, I pretty much did nothing. I think I'm getting a little better at this game Song Pop that's the new facebook/iphone craze. I attempted to tan today because it was semi sunny and hot and probably one of the last chances I'll get to before fall - which btw I'm so excited for! I can't wait for the cooler weather, cool breezes on somewhat warm days, long sleeve shirts to be acceptable to wear with shorts, scarves, hoodies... I'm getting excited now just thinking about all of this! I love the fall!!! 

Also, I realized last night I'm doing my brain no good sitting around all day on the computer, phone, and watching tv. I think I would like to read more so if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

I have also decided I actually miss college; not just the friends, but like going to class, ResLife events (yes, they were lame, but I had fun with friends there), and especially being involved with music.. I haven't sung since.. I honestly don't even know when. And I don't mean I haven't sung along to the radio, but I haven't sung seriously like with parts - I was soprano, usually first sop. but sometimes second, and I miss hearing the parts below me, I miss the harmonies, I miss being surrounded with talent (like in the music building - granted I didn't like many of the people in the music dept., but everyone had some type of musical gift or calling), and I miss concerts/recitals. I plan on rectifying some of these issues soon - not sure how, but I will.

One last note: FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE!!!!! GO PATS!!!! :) 

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